자동 재생
자동 완성
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당근마켓 by Flutter
[중요!!] 질문방법! (0:32)
강의 진행 코드
Flutter 기초 박살
커리큘럼 출처
Flutter SDK 인스톨
실행해 보기
#0 앱 실행 중, 에러가 어디서 났는지 아는 방법 (4:35)
#1 Creating a new app (13:27)
#2 코딩 입문자를 위해 간단 코드 설명(1) (4:48)
#3 코딩 입문자를 위해 간단 코드 설명(2) (7:27)
#4 코딩 입문자를 위해 간단 코드 설명(3) (4:56)
#5 간단 설명 & Theme 만들기 (4:49)
#6 위젯 색 변경해주기 (7:29)
#7 앱 지우기 (10:51)
#8 Class 생성 방법 (6:31)
#9 생성된 Class 사용하기 (6:25)
#10 주문서 여러 개 만들기 (4:31)
#11 List view widget 만들기 (6:29)
#12 Recipes index 넣어주기 (3:45)
#13 프로젝트에 이미지 포함 시키는 방법 (6:02)
#14 이미지 아래에 텍스트 넣어주는 방법 (4:40)
#15 Padding 만들어주기 (9:10)
#16 앱 슬라이딩 만들기 (7:36)
#17 material design 적용 시키기 (6:31)
#18 recipe detail (5:46)
#19 AppBar 꾸며주기 (6:33)
#20 class ingredient 속성 넣어주기 (1) (6:53)
#21 class ingredient 속성 넣어주기 (2) (3:29)
#22 Ingredient data를 detail page에 넣어주기 (1) (3:10)
#23 Ingredient data를 detail page에 넣어주기 (2) (7:57)
#24 Recipe detail widget을 Stateful Widget으로 변경 (3:49)
#25 slider 변경해주기 (1) (5:26)
#26 slider 변경해주기 (2) (7:03)
HD Videos
Welcome!!!! (0:26)
Splash Screen 만들기
프로젝트 생성 (5:20)
git 사용 (13:28)
Git 설치(Mac OS)
Git 설치(Windows)
앱 실행 해보기 (17:33)
위젯 생성 (8:48)
Column 위젯 (8:33)
assets 추가. 이미지 보이기. (8:11)
파일 나누기 (6:06)
package 포함하기 (7:47)
future (12:25)
SplashScreen 레이아웃 끝 (3:29)
Future 사용하기 (6:52)
FutureBuilder는 어떻게 작동할까? (2:07)
AnimatedSwitcher 위젯 (5:36)
Log 남기는 법 (11:50)
beamer란(Navigator_2.0) (3:20)
implement beamer (19:26)
beamer guard (7:20)
Page view 위젯 (2:49)
Intro page (5:23)
text 위젯 button 위젯 (13:49)
text style, column alignment (8:36)
column alignment & padding (8:47)
theme 설정 (11:02)
custom font 설정 (12:25)
Stack 사용 (9:33)
Dynamic 레이아웃 (LayoutBuilder) (13:13)
PageView 컨트롤 (12:06)
address input page (16:46)
TextButton with cupertino icon (9:18)
ListView & Expanded 위젯 (13:02)
ListView padding & TextButton padding 컨트롤 (6:10)
auth page 시작 (15:08)
Row 위젯, Padding 관리 (19:03)
keyboard type, 코드상에서 위젯 빨리 찾는 법 (4:03)
input formatter (6:07)
complete auth page layout (12:03)
auth flow(문서화) (17:04)
AnimatedContainer & AnimatedOpacity (18:49)
IgnorePointer & CircularProgressBar (8:36)
What is provider & state management (7:23)
use provider (17:59)
user log in flow with provider (6:45)
log out flow with provider (4:05)
HTTP in flutter (12:40)
use real API (23:49)
API response to Object (24:53)
ListView 데이터 적용 (11:18)
get permission & coordinate (17:36)
convert to address from coordinate (11:27)
get multiple address from the coordinate (14:14)
show address from coordinate (5:53)
change use of API (3:47)
found address on the list (7:07)
Use SharedPreference (18:49)
use Provider to access data (12:09)
App Bar & Bottom Navigation Bar (8:06)
bottom navigation bar (19:01)
Indexed Stack with Bottom Navigation Bar (4:27)
ListView item layout (8:24)
Column & Row alignment (20:49)
Rounded Corner (5:55)
what is Firebase(Server, Backend) (5:42)
create firebase project (2:27)
firebase for Android (10:27)
firebase for ios (5:40)
use firebase core (12:35)
why use Firebase Auth (5:13)
Add Firebase Auth Package (11:07)
Phone Auth Testing (40:59)
Phone Auth Flow (23:24)
shimmer(loading with layout preview) (19:24)
Create Firestore Database (5:37)
use of firestore (25:07)
create model to firestore (31:49)
when to create user model on firestore (30:29)
get saved user model from firestore (27:21)
expandable fab (10:44)
create new item page (11:42)
appbar in new page (11:46)
create new item layout (22:22)
horizontal scroll images (14:57)
stack & positioned (9:39)
input field in new item page (10:12)
price input field (19:18)
price input with formatter (19:02)
category screen layout (9:52)
select category with provider (27:28)
pick images from gallery (25:16)
remove images from picked images (11:39)
create item model (24:22)
access images from different widgets (18:27)
set up firebase storage (7:23)
upload image on firebase storage (19:47)
upload multiple images to firebase storage (17:34)
show progress indicator when uploading (11:23)
images not showing after select(fixed) (3:20)
create new item model(1) (17:14)
create item model (4:51)
upload new item (11:37)
fix item upload detail not showing (0:48)
get list of items from firestore (7:25)
show items on the list (8:13)
create item detail location (16:27)
open item detail page with item key (4:36)
use custom scroll view and sliverappbar (8:39)
pageview with indicator (17:19)
simple solution to indicator position (3:40)
final touch of images with appbar (25:36)
seller info in detail page (33:54)
bottom bar on detail page (13:19)
detail body layout (21:54)
SliverGrid for other items for the seller (6:15)
sliver gridview with ratio control (13:32)
user infomation in detail page (7:00)
connect item detail information (16:34)
explain why duplicate data in Firebase (6:38)
using transaction on firestore (16:14)
fix price not appearing bug with regular expression (6:00)
show items from same user (21:51)
how to stack the item detail pages (6:25)
add map to the app (6:55)
move map with finger (10:50)
zoom in:out the map (7:12)
show my location in map (6:42)
show position widget on the map (11:06)
generate items for geo query test (4:46)
show near by items on the map (23:52)
navigate to item detail from map (7:27)
fix authentication check issue (4:51)
fix hero tag on fab (2:24)
start developing chat (15:03)
create chatroom model (7:16)
create chat model (5:54)
create chat service (1) (19:40)
create chat service (2) (15:56)
create chatroom (9:41)
create chatroom screen (5:37)
chat screen bottom bar (13:44)
chat screen item info (22:03)
chat layout (19:30)
send msg to firestore (7:37)
create ChatNotifier with change notifier (9:29)
usable chat function (27:09)
fetch my chatrooms (4:47)
create chat list page (7:42)
connect chat list (16:34)
chatroom detail data(wrongly used late keyword) (9:48)
refresh item list (RefreshIndicator) (8:34)
fetch items without mine (4:08)
search layout (14:16)
search layout show result (6:58)
indexing on algolia from firestore (14:12)
import existing records in Firestore to algolia (4:30)
how to configure the search in algolia (3:40)
testing algolia query in the app (6:36)
query algolia from search phrase (12:13)
populate the item in the search result (9:42)
fix navigation flow for search (14:23)
fine tuning of search page (5:21)
실행해 보기
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