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Flutter의 정석
[중요] 질문 방법! (0:30)
Install Flutter
Flutter 설치
First Flutter App
How to approach first chapter (2:16)
First Flutter App_Starter
01_Create application (3:38)
02_Run project on different platforms (4:56)
03_Flutter basic code explained (4:36)
04_Change name (2:00)
05_Widget tree (2:16)
06_Clear code to start (4:03)
07_Stateless stateful widget (3:27)
08_How to continue (0:51)
09_Create recipe model (3:00)
10_Add recipe data (1:13)
11_Add images to project (3:46)
12_Listview widget (4:02)
13_Use list in listview (2:57)
14_Extract text widget (2:23)
15_Create recipe item layout (7:08)
16_See widget tree (1:53)
17_Fine tune layout (8:50)
18_User click(gesture detector) (2:48)
19_Using navigator (4:54)
20_Create stateful widget (4:52)
21_Create state for stateful widget (3:30)
22_Material and Scaffold (3:13)
23_Safe area (2:21)
24_Sized box (8:50)
25_Ingredient class (5:15)
26_Show ingredient data in detail page (1:47)
27_Expanded(listview in column) (8:24)
28_Show all data in text (2:27)
29_App key logic intro (1:25)
30_Slide widget (3:46)
31_Control slider (7:03)
32_Finish slider layout (2:23)
33_Calculate serving with slider value (6:58)
34_Wrap up (3:16)
Everything is a widget
Everything is a widget_Starter
35_Widget introduction (3:24)
36_Open starter project (2:13)
37_Understand main code (8:07)
38_Theme data (2:43)
39_Text theme (3:19)
40_Apply theme (4:21)
41_Adopt theme into widgets (6:49)
42_Bottom navigation bar (4:23)
43_Change body with bottom navigation bar (7:35)
44_First card layout (10:09)
45_Stack widget (6:24)
46_Stack positioned widget (5:20)
47_Decode layout into column row (5:57)
48_Circle image wz border (11:09)
49_Custom widget(author card layout) (6:24)
50-1_Alignment n axis in column n row (7:50)
50-2_Alignment n axis in column n row (8:33)
51_Rotated box (7:22)
52_Icon button (4:05)
53_Snackbar (3:18)
54_So far (2:24)
55_Card box layout (3:05)
56_Background filter color (6:02)
57_Padding to right widget (4:03)
58_Chip widget (3:53)
59_Wrap widget (5:15)
60_Play wz alignment (3:47)
61_Button on chip and update theme (4:10)
What is the widget
What is the widget_Starter
62_Intro widget (1:36)
63_What is widget (3:15)
64_Flutter layer (3:49)
65_Widget is immutable (1:08)
66_Three trees (5:37)
67_How three trees are created (3:15)
Scrollable Widget
Scrollable Widget_Starter
68_How widget updated single widget (6:01)
69_How widget tree updated (4:13)
70_Intro open project (1:40)
71_Walk through project and json (5:13)
72_Mock service explained (6:31)
73-1_Create explore screen (2:29)
73-2_Create explore screen (5:26)
74-1_Future builder (4:02)
74-2_Future builder (6:57)
75_Get data from snapshot future builder (2:54)
76_Create top listview (6:25)
77_ListView separated (7:11)
78_Use list data in listview (3:00)
79_Show card widget in listview (6:48)
80_Column vs Nested listview (1:46)
81_List view inside listview (2:32)
82_Friend post tile (9:41)
83_Create friend post listview widget (5:18)
84_Nesting list view in listview (6:58)
85_Titles layout fix (2:19)
86_Show data in nested listview (8:53)
87_Padding for listview (3:02)
88_Gridview constructor (6:08)
89_Create recipe screen (4:04)
90_Future builder state (2:21)
91_Recipe thumbnail (13:18)
92_Create grid view wz builder constructor (4:35)
93_Gridview padding (6:04)
94_Data from future (6:57)
Interactive Widget
Interactive Widget_Starter
95_Intro interactive widgets (2:10)
96_Empty grocery screen (7:27)
97_Empty screen layout (7:49)
98_Provider intro (10:51)
99_Create tab manager (6:19)
100_Change notifier provider (5:15)
101_Consumer (5:12)
102_Provider of (4:22)
103_Create grocery model (4:52)
104_Protect manager value by private (5:15)
105_Grocery manager (6:09)
106_Add multiple providers (3:18)
107_Consumer of grocery manager (3:00)
108_Extract widget into function and floating action button (3:56)
109_Add more packages (2:34)
110_Create grocery items screen file (2:53)
111_Navigate to grocery item screen (4:00)
112_Add item and navigator pop (3:20)
113_Add state properties (4:02)
114_Init state properties (5:48)
115_Must dispose controller (2:24)
116_App bar and google font (4:56)
117_App bar shadow (1:02)
118_Text field decor (7:24)
119_Get data from text editing controller (2:16)
120_Extract into method by section (2:16)
121_Choice chip layout (6:17)
122_When choice chip selected (3:22)
123_Select date layout (6:34)
124_Date picker (5:55)
125_Time picker (2:59)
126_Color picker wz dialog (9:35)
127_Quantity wz slider (7:30)
128_Create grocery tile (6:30)
129_Use grocery tile widget (5:49)
130_Build importance (6:21)
131_Date format (1:48)
132_Finalize grocery tile (2:58)
133_Adjust theme for specific widget (2:38)
134_Save grocery item (4:19)
135_Grocery list screen (4:36)
136_Check box toggle action (6:46)
137_Update item (6:39)
138_Dismissible (4:12)
139_On dismissible action (1:00)
140_Show snack bar after item removed (2:52)
141_Indexed stack to cach screens (3:16)
Deep links & Web URLs
Deep links & Web URLs_Starter
142_Comeback after go router course (2:11)
143_Open starter project (4:35)
144_Set deep linking for ios android (3:22)
145_How router api works (3:20)
146_Test deep linking in ios (7:56)
147_Test deep linking in android (1:23)
148_Test url link in web (2:06)
Shared Preferences
Shared Preferences_Starter
149_Intro shared pref (4:01)
150_Get shared pref package (4:33)
151_What we need for shared pref (4:00)
152_Save and retreive string list from shared pref (4:25)
153_Add function to start search and save (2:30)
154_Trigger start search function (5:29)
155_Hide keyboard by unfocus (2:54)
156_Pop up menu button (5:05)
157_Get previous searches (3:09)
158_Save and get int value (9:18)
final project
159_Json intro (9:16)
160_Test json annotation and generate code (11:44)
161_Nested class json serializing (5:16)
162_Generate code for our api response (10:19)
163_Json to model (9:46)
164_Show json data on screen (7:38)
165_Intro http (6:56)
166_Create get method (5:04)
167_Create request method for the api (4:08)
168_Build recipe card for api model (4:28)
169_Build recipe grid view (5:28)
170_Json to model (4:38)
171_Future data to widget (10:41)
172_Summery of http process (2:27)
Network Library
Network Library_Starter
173_Intro to chopper (1:22)
174_Add chopper packages to project (1:21)
175_Prepare for getting result (3:56)
176_Chopper interface (6:17)
177_Convert request (5:40)
178_Convert response (4:42)
179_Why using chopper (2:43)
180_Add params (3:18)
181_Combine all into chopper client (7:02)
182_Generate chopper code (3:24)
183_Setup for logging (2:18)
184_Chopper api call and future builder (1:43)
185_Get value from response (4:36)
186_Error handling (2:28)
187_Check logging (4:08)
State Management
State Management_Starter
188_Why manage state (4:58)
189_Business logic (3:15)
190_Birth of provider (4:00)
191_Introduction to provider (2:41)
192_Create models for ui (4:32)
193_Create repository interface (6:50)
194_Create memory repository (4:11)
195_Find data from memory (3:17)
196_Find recipe ingredients (2:17)
197_Insert data (4:02)
198_Delete data (2:37)
199_Delete recipe (2:33)
200_Change notifier provider (5:21)
201_Use real data in recipe detail (5:06)
202_Insert recipe from widget (1:41)
203_Convert api model to local model (7:27)
204_Pass api model to detail page after convert (1:19)
205_Api recipe model to recipe model procedure (3:26)
206_Access provider data via consumer (4:48)
207_Show bookmarked items (6:48)
208_Tuning bookmark item layout (0:58)
209_Practice consumer (4:35)
210_Flutter slidable package (2:32)
211_Delete recipe via consumer (3:28)
212_Delete recipe and ingredients(how to use breakpoint) (7:51)
213_Create mock service (7:47)
214_Use provider for inject mock service (2:56)
215_Use mock service (3:50)
216_Other state management tool (2:41)
217_Stream intro (0:20)
218_Type of streams (1:07)
219_Single to broadcast stream (0:47)
220_Understand stream (5:09)
221_Open starter project (0:33)
222_What we do wz stream (2:18)
223_Update repository for using stream (2:18)
224_Create stream and stream controller (5:09)
225_Insert data and sink via stream (3:01)
226_Fix delete items methods (2:45)
227_Switch between mock and real service (7:09)
228_Remove change notifier provider (2:42)
229_Connect stream to widget (4:49)
230_See how stream works (7:50)
231_Connect groceries wz stream (5:13)
Database with SQLite
Database with SQLite_Starter
232_Intro database sqlite sqflite (4:48)
233_Look up in sql (2:54)
234_Position of sqflite and drift (2:00)
235_Sqflite in flutter (6:38)
236_Create db instance (1:51)
237_Database singleton (3:36)
238_Open database (3:25)
239_Create tables (8:45)
240_Init and access database (3:39)
241_Init and access stream database (1:30)
242_Recap json serialization (4:13)
243_Create recipes ingredients parser (3:52)
244_Find all recipes from db (3:30)
245_Find recipe by id in db (2:19)
246_Find all ingredients in db (1:09)
247_Find recipe ingredients in db (3:11)
248_Watch all recipe with stream function (6:43)
249_Watch all ingredients from db (1:20)
250_Insert recipe into db (1:43)
251_Insert one ingredient (0:55)
252_Create base insert method (2:18)
253_Create base delete method (1:47)
254_Delete recipe (1:53)
255_Delete ingredients (1:41)
256_Delete ingredients for a recipe (1:32)
257_Close stream database (1:34)
258_Sqlite repository with repository interface (5:22)
259_Insert recipe with ingredients (7:32)
260_Delete data (2:06)
261_Delete recipe and ingredients (1:06)
262_Open and close database (1:51)
263_Ignore param in json serializable (6:51)
264_Fix sql syntax(cons of sqflite compare to drift) (5:00)
Database with drift
Database with drift_Starter
265_Intro drift repository (1:43)
266_Add drift packages (2:21)
267_What we will do wz drift (3:03)
268_Create recipe table (6:48)
269_Supported data type n create ingredient table (1:29)
270_Create recipe database (4:55)
271_Create connection to db (2:19)
272_Create recipe accessor (8:42)
273_Create ingredient accessor (2:40)
274_Generate drift code (1:32)
275_Convert methods (4:27)
276_Drift repository (3:13)
277_Find all recipes (5:53)
278_Watch all recipes (4:40)
279_Pass stream via repository (2:07)
280_Watch all ingredients(different with recipes) (5:12)
281_Transform data with map (1:52)
282_Find recipe by id and transform future data (2:08)
283_Find all ingredients and new list converter (3:05)
284_Find recipe ingredients (1:11)
285_Insert recipe (3:48)
286_Insert ingredients (2:23)
287_Try drift db (3:10)
288_Delete recipe (1:44)
289_Delete ingredient (1:29)
290_Delete recipe ingredients (2:41)
291_Testing delete (0:57)
292_Other way to delete many items (3:58)
255_Delete ingredients
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